PAVIA pure grey

If you have chosen a classic kitchen like Pavia, you will most likely think in matching colours. Pavia pure gray is a carefully thought out design that manages to maximize its presence without being noisy. The douce, almost twilight gray color ensures that Pavia harmonizes with the colors you have on the walls – both now and in the future. With a black tabletop, every color element and your choice of sink and fitting will stand out clearly.

MILK white

Named after its primary characteristic, Milk is a kitchen with a design that is simple and straightforward. You can give Milk a little extra with a creative choice of grip. This gives you a personal touch on the drawers and doors, which lead to all the storage space and functionality you could possibly dream of. In both small and large rooms, it is the easiest way to bring Danish design into your home – at surprisingly low prices.


Some colors are just not up for debate, and Milk makes it crystal clear. A ConversationKitchen® must have a bright and friendly atmosphere that suits all generations of the family. The layout in some homes and in certain rooms calls for a bright and simple design to create an inviting kitchen experience. It may be necessary that your kitchen project has resale value and that you also think about future owners. The functional and simple Milk kitchen, which suits everyone’s taste, is probably the best solution at the most budget-friendly price.


Veda Touch 提供五種顏色選擇 – 白色、灰綠、純灰、淺橡和深橡。太多選擇的確不容易,但您不必只選一種顏色!這裡我們將深橡和純灰色結合,創造出優雅而現代的風格,讓您的廚房在未來的多年裡依然美觀。


Veda Touch 低飽和的灰綠色將大自然的美麗色彩引入您的家中。搭配深色桌面、淺綠色牆面,以及您精心蒐集的各種植物,這裡便成為您家庭生活的核心。而無把手設計則提供了便利的推拉開啟功能,讓使用更加輕鬆。在這個寧靜的綠色廚房中,您可以在品味早晨咖啡的同時,感受到與大自然的親密聯繫,為新的一天注入美好的開始。

VEDA pure grey

這款廚房結合高品質材料與丹麥設計的美學,為空間帶來強烈的風格。我們對可持續性的承諾與對優良設計的理念相同,這一點也反映在產品上。耐磨的表面由可回收的塑料瓶製成,不僅易於清潔,還十分耐用。而且,櫃體核心採用 MDF 材料,讓它成為我們迄今為止最具可持續性的廚房之一。

VEDA light oak

我們的 Veda 淺橡櫥櫃是經典丹麥設計的最佳範例,以可持續性為核心理念。這些美麗的櫥櫃面板採用真正的橡木貼面,內部核心則是來自認證的木材,兼具美觀與預算友善。所有木材均經過認證,來自可持續林業,讓你擁有一個不僅賞心悅目,更能伴隨你多年的廚房空間。

CORISA dark oak

Corisa 深色橡木的丹麥設計,以垂直線條展現橡木深邃而迷人的光澤,既美觀又溫暖,讓人忍不住想觸摸。這個設計非常適合用於高櫃或引人注目的中島。Corisa 現在提供完整的廚房解決方案,並且也能與我們其他設計完美搭配。

CORISA light oak

Corisa 淺色橡木展現優美的垂直線條,散發著橡木自然溫暖的光澤,讓人忍不住想要觸碰。幸運的是,它不僅易於清潔,還能有效抵抗指紋。這個設計非常適合高櫃、低櫃及抽屜解決方案。你可以選擇 Corisa 作為完整的廚房方案,或與我們其他設計搭配,打造出最適合你家的完美選擇。

AVOLIA arizona beige

Avolia 系列的亞利桑那米色,適合那些想在打造丹麥設計廚房時追隨灰米色潮流的人。灰米色是一種流行的新色彩,介於灰色和米色之間。它不僅易於清潔,還由可持續材料製成,呈現出柔和、現代的色調——告別無趣的白色陰影。與我們的深橡木 Corisa 高櫃搭配,這種顏色更是絕妙無比。


陶土色是一種溫暖的色調,能為你的廚房帶來清新、具現代感的外觀,是忙碌日常生活的理想選擇。不僅易於維護和清潔,還採用可持續材料,並融入精緻的丹麥設計。這將會是你的理想之選,邀請 Avolia 進入你的家吧!

NOLIAM white
