Explore design

A wardrobe in disguise.
A bespoke wardrobe can do wonders for a teenage bedroom. We suggest that you design a solution with a solid framework that still speaks to creativity and encourages the young in the family to keep just a little bit of control over some of life's very basic things, such as clean underwear, the growing collection of sneakers and last year's home-knitted Christmas present.

A classic danish design.
Danish design is the epitome of functional aesthetics, and our functional wardrobes can easily be tailored to your special needs. This also applies to Milk. You can actually combine both wardrobe and clothes cupboards with extra spacious kitchen modules and get your very own unconventional solution. Much to the delight of the family's teenagers.

Filled with intelligent solutions.
For the interior of Milk, you can choose from all of Kvik's many interior design concepts such as intelligent hanger systems and stocking trays – and even various construction details such as hinges that make it possible to have a solution with double doors.