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Naked elegance
A Veda bathroom cabinet under your mirror will naturally become part of your morning and evening routine, but you will probably quickly discover that it will inspire other design choices in your bathroom than just the practical ones.
Since it is mounted on the wall, it gives you more floor space, and Veda's light matte surface adds a floating elegance to the room, creating a fertile ground for other simple design choices in the rest of the bathroom.
We recommend an equally elegant fixture or an integrated sink that adds a bit of personality to the room.

Veda is minimalistic and relaxed and without any attitude other than the one you add to the design.
You can add some edge to the look by choosing a traditional grip.

Ready for greatness
Veda is a minimalist design, and also environmentally responsibl.
All of our timber products come from certified, sustainable sources.
Even the matte, durable foil is made from upcycled PET water bottles.
The simple beauty of the bathroom cabinet makes a strong impression in itself, and in a larger bathroom you can easily complete your design with Veda tall cabinets.